🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Ekonomi kita rakyat kecil sulit,itu memang di persulit oleh oligarki lewat wayangnya yang membuat kebijakan!
Wahai rakyat indonesia...!
Hari ini segala yang kita rasakan itu betul betul sulit,berawal dari naiknya ppn menjadi 11 %,
Dan naiknya bbm,serta minyak goreng,gak ketinggalan token listrik dan kuota!
(Catatan: kepikiran gak,semua yang di naikan oleh pemerintah,itu kebutuhan yang sangat penting yang biasa kita gunakan sehari hari)
Belum si opung luhut berencana naikin harga elpiji 3 kg...
Dengan naiknya bbm saja,otomatis akan membuat harga harga kebutuhan pokok pada naik,
Karena semua pengiriman barang untuk di jual itu pake mobil,dan namanya mobil itu pasti pake bbm...
Kalau gak pertalite,paling pertamax dan solar...
Dan jika harga BBM naik,
Maka biaya pengiriman barang pun akan ikut naik,
Dan jika biaya pengiriman itu naik,maka akan berimbas harga barang pun akan di naikan oleh para pedagang.
Dan jika harga barang kebutuhan pada naik,akan membuat daya beli kita masyarakat menurun.
Karena duit yang ada di pake hanya buat membeli barang kebutuhan yang penting saja.
Bagi kita orang dagang,kenaikan bbm ini sangatlah terasa dampaknya.
Naiknya harga bbm berdampak pada daya beli orang orang...
Jadi memang rezim ini sangat tidak suka jika ekonomi kita rakyat naik dan bertumbuh...!
Terdengar pendapatan kita naik,rezim ini buru buru naikin harga bbm,tujuannya supaya ekonomi kita hanya berjalan di tempat,dan gak bisa maju.
Bbm sudah bisa buat ekonomi kita rakyat berjalan di tempat,di tiban lagi dengan naiknya listrik...
Tahu sendiri,jika listrik naik,maka perusahaan yang memakai listrik dalam memproduksi pun akan menaikan harga jual produk produknya.
Jika semua harga kebutuhan pokok naik dan harga produk naik,maka daya beli masyarakat pun akan menurun.
Sehingga mengakibatkan perputaran uang pun mandek dan gak berjalan lancar...
Pemerintah kita bukan tidak tahu cara memajukan ekonomi,orang mereka lulusan perguruan tinggi semua..
Tapi mereka kalah sama oligarki yang telah memenangkan mereka menjadi presiden terpilih,dan bisa memerintah di tatanan pemerintahan negara kita.
Para mentri mentri juga bukan orang sembarangan...
Orang pintar dan jenius semua...
Tapi sekali lagi,para mentri kita itu di pilih oleh presiden,jadi bukan tidak tahu cara memajukan ekonomi kita rakyat...
Tapi lebih baik diam dan cari aman,biar gak kena reshuffle kabinet,biar gak di pecat...
Jadi bisa di singkat,mentri takut sama presiden,presiden takut sama oligarki,dan oligarki takut sama rakyat...!
Takut kita rakyat sadar....dan bersatu...dan memporak porandakan sistem yang di buat oligarki ini.
In english ::
🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
The economy of our little people is difficult, it is indeed complicated by the oligarchs through their puppets who make policies!
O Indonesian people...!
Today everything we feel is really difficult, starting with the increase in VAT to 11%,
And the increase in fuel, as well as cooking oil, don't miss the electricity token and quota!
(Note: don't think about it, everything that is raised by the government is a very important need that we usually use on a daily basis)
Not yet, Opung Luhut plans to increase the price of LPG by 3 kg...
With the increase in fuel only, it will automatically make the price of basic necessities rise,
Because all shipments of goods for sale use a car, and the name of the car must use fuel...
If it's not pertalite, the best is Pertamax and Solar...
And if fuel prices go up,
Then the cost of shipping goods will also go up,
And if the shipping costs go up, it will impact the price of goods will also be increased by the merchants.
And if the price of goods needs to rise, will make our people's purchasing power decrease.
Because the money that is in use is only for buying essential items.
For us traders, the fuel price hike is very impactful.
Rising fuel prices have an impact on people's purchasing power...
So this regime really doesn't like it if our people's economy goes up and grows...!
It is heard that our income is increasing, this regime hastily increased the price of fuel, the aim is that our economy will only run in place, and cannot progress.
BBM has been able to make our economy the people walk in place, suddenly again with the increase in electricity...
You know, if electricity goes up, companies that use electricity in producing will also increase the selling price of their products.
If the price of all basic needs increases and the price of products increases, the purchasing power of the people will also decrease.
This causes the circulation of money to stagnate and not run smoothly.
Our government doesn't know how to advance the economy, all of them graduated from college..
But they lost to the oligarchs who had won them the elected president, and could rule in our country's government order.
The ministers are also not random people...
All smart and genius...
But again, our ministers are chosen by the president, so it's not that they don't know how to advance our economy, the people...
But it's better to be quiet and look for safety, so that you don't get a cabinet reshuffle, so you don't get fired...
So in short, the minister is afraid of the president, the president is afraid of the oligarchs, and the oligarchs are afraid of the people...!
We are afraid that the people will realize....and unite...and destroy the system created by this oligarchy.
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