ketahuilah oleh kalian,disaat kalian sedang mendidik dan mengajar anak asuh atau murid kalian,lalu terdengar suara adzan,hentikanlah sejenak pelajaran yang kalian ajarkan,lalu ajaklah anak didikkalian untuk sholat berjamaah langsung.
karena kenapa?karena jika kalian tidak menghiraukan panggilan untuk sholat,berarti secara tidak langsung kalian mengajarkan anak didik kalian lalai dalam melaksanakan/mendirikan sholat di awal waktu.
agar ketika mereka telah lulus sekolah dan berhubungan langsung dengan dunia luar,mereka tetap selalu mengutamakan sholat di awal waktu.
in english :
O educators of education,
know by you, when you are educating and teaching foster children or your students, then the voice of the call to prayer, stop for a moment the lessons you teach, then invite your children to pray in congregation directly
because why? Because if you don't pay attention to the call to prayer, it means that you indirectly teach your students to be negligent in carrying out / establishing prayers at the beginning of time.
therefore change your perspective in educating your students. Your knowledge is important, but teaching your students to prioritize prayer at the beginning of time is more beneficial for the child for his future after he returns to the community.
so that when they have graduated from school and are in direct contact with the outside world, they always prioritize prayer at the beginning of time.
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