💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Wahai mahasiswa....
Wahai rakyat indonesia....
Wahai anak anak stm....
Fix....kita semua sudah lihat watak aslinya jokowaw...
Presiden bermental pengecut yang berlindung di bawah ketiak aparat polisi.
Presiden pendusta,presiden berhati iblis,presiden yang gak punya otak....!
Tidak ada pilihan lain,revolusi adalah jalan terakhir kita....
Ingat wahai rakyat indonesia,
Suara suara kita kan tidak pernah di dengar oleh pemerintah,
Maka kita balas,apa apa yang di serukan oleh pemerintah lewat media tv nasional kita,
Gak usah di dengerin!!
Dan nanti ketika ada pemilihan umum,serentak kita jangan ikut memilih....!
Mendingan kita golput....!
Jangan mau bayar pajak...!
Sekarang kita mulai pahami,siapa dalang masalah di negeri ini adalah ulah aparat polisi...
Aparat kepolisian itu mudah di sogok pakai duit..
Yang di sogok itu atasan mereka ,kalau bawahan mah selalu ngikutin perintah atasan.
Daripada gak nurut,nantinya di pecat.mendingan cari aman aja.
Ayo mahasiswa,sebelum tuntutan kita tercapai,jangan pernah menyerah....!
Jokowi harus lengser....!
Agar negara kita selamat dan aman dari jajahan ekonomi china.
Ayo mahasiswa ...jika aspirasi kita selalu di halang halangi oleh aparat ..
Maka kita lawan aparat...!
Kita demo lebih besar dan makin besar lagi...!
Jika di perlukan,kita buat kerusuhan dan kerusakan yang lebih parah lagi!
Kita hancurkan fasilitas fasilitas umum milik pemerintah....!
Hancurkan....lebih baik rusak fasilitas umum yang tidak menghabiskan uang yang seberapa banyak...
Di bandingkan jokowi yang menjual murah negara kita kepada china....!
Fuck you jokowi.....!!!
In english :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O student ....
O people of Indonesia ....
O children, stm ....
Fix .... we've all seen the true character of jokowaw ...
The president has a cowardly mentality who takes shelter under the armpits of the police.
A liar president, a devil-hearted president, a brainless president ...!
There is no other choice, revolution is our last resort ....
Remember, O people of Indonesia,
The government has never heard our voices,
So we reply, what is being called by the government through our national TV media,
Don't listen !!
And later when there is a general election, simultaneously we will not vote ....!
Better we abstain ....!
Now we are starting to understand, who is behind the problems in this country is the act of the police ...
Police officers are easily bribed with money ...
Those who are bribed are their superiors, if subordinates always follow their superiors' orders.
Instead of not obeying, later you will be fired, just try to be safe.
Come on, students, before our demands are met, never give up ....!
Jokowi must step down ....!
So that our country is safe and secure from the Chinese economic colony.
Come on, students ... if our aspirations are always blocked by the authorities ...
Then we fight against the authorities ...!
We demo bigger and bigger ...!
If necessary, we cause even more rioting and damage!
We destroy public facilities owned by the government ....!
Destroy .... it's better to break down public facilities that don't cost how much money ...
Compared to Jokowi who sold our country cheaply to China ....!
Fuck you Jokowi ..... !!!
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