💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Wahai kaum muslimin,
Sepertinya antek antek komunis yakni para buzzer Dan influencer mau mengadu domba kita lagi sesama umat Islam..
Mereka meng-atas namakan organisasi NU,
bahwa NU adalah jamaah Islam terbanyak,ingatlah wahai umat Islam,selama mereka menyatakan tuhan mereka adalah alloh swt,
Dan NABI mereka NABI Muhammad saw,maka kita semua adalah saudara,
Mau ITU Islam radikal selama dia orangnya menyatakan tuhan nya hanya alloh set,Dan nabinya NABI Muhammad saw.
Maka dia adalah saudara kita,kenapa di debut Islam radikal?
Tunggu sebentar,yang menyatakan Islam radikal ITU,dialah sebenarnya ialah yang radikal,
Karena kebencian mereka terhadap kita umat islam ,Dan karena hanya kitalah umat Islam yang selalu mentang kedzoliman terhadap sesama manusia.
Adalah agama lain selain agama Islam. Yang berani mengingatkan pemimpinnya,bahwa pemimpin ITU salah Dan dzolim terhadap rakyatnya??
Karena hanya islamlah Dan orang islamlah yang berani menyuarakan keadilan atas hak hak kita sebagai manusia.
ITU kenapa mereka sangat memusuhi Dan membenci kita umat Islam...
Jadi sekali lagi Wahai umat Islam,jangan kendor...jangan mudah di adu domba oleh para buzzer Dan influencer nya pemerintah
Yang tidak menyukai jika kita sesama umat Islam bersatu...
Ingat,prinsip orang yang berada di Jalan yang lurus adalah,tidak mengunggulkan dirinya atau golongannya sendiri,
Inget ,iblis juga di usir Dari surga karena enggan menuruti perintah alloh untuk sujud kepada NABI adam as..
Dan mengatakan kalau aku(iblis)lebih baik Dan lebih mulya ,karena aku engkau ciptakan Dari api,sedangkan Adam as engkau ciptakan Dari tanah..
Kalian mengerti bukan maksudnya??
Jadi jangan pernah bangga Dan merasa diri kita Dan komunitas kita atau mazhab kitalah yang paling bagus Dan baik..
Ingat Islam yang di bawa Dan di ajarkan oleh NABI Muhammad ITU bukanlah tentang mazhab si a atau si b,
Tapi Islam yang di bawa oleh baginda NABI Muhammad saw,adalah tentang ahlak kita kepada sesama manusia..
Karena Islam bisa tersebar Dan bisa menyebar luas,bukan karena Islam golongan NU,atau Persia,atau muhamadiyyah...
Tapi Islam menyebar ke seluruh muka bumi karena orang orang islamnya berahlak mulia,
Orang orang islamnya sopan Dan santun...
Ramah kepada sesama,saling berbagi kepada sesama,Dan sailing menyayangi terhadap sesama manusia.
In English :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
O Muslims,
It seems that the communist minions, namely the buzzers and influencers, want to complain about our sheep again among fellow Muslims ..
They named the NU organization,
that NU is the largest Muslim congregation, remember O Muslims, as long as they declare their god is Allah swt,
And their PROPHET PROPHET Muhammad saw, then we are all brothers,
Want that radical Islam as long as he people declare his god is only a set god, And his prophet PROPHET Muhammad saw.
So he is our brother, why in the radical Islamic debut?
Wait a minute, that states that radical Islam, it is actually the radical,
Because of their hatred of us Muslims, and because we are the only Muslims who are always against the tyranny of fellow human beings.
Is a religion other than Islam. Who dares to remind his leader, that the leader is wrong and cruel to his people ??
Because it is only Islam And it is the Muslims who dare to voice justice for our rights as human beings.
THAT is why they are so hostile and hate us Muslims ...
So once again O Muslims, do not be slack ... do not be easily bullied by the buzzers and influencers of the government
Who does not like if we fellow Muslims unite ...
Remember, the principle of the person who is on the Straight Path is, not to exalt himself or his own group,
Remember, the devil was also cast out of heaven because he refused to obey God's command to prostrate to the PROPHET Adam as ..
And say that I (the devil) is better and more glorious, because I created you from fire, while Adam as you created from the ground ..
You understand that does not mean ??
So never be proud And feel ourselves And our community or our sect is the best And best ..
Remember that Islam brought and taught by the PROPHET Muhammad IS NOT about the sect of si a or si b,
But Islam brought by the Prophet Muhammad saw, is about our morals to fellow human beings ..
Because Islam can spread And can spread widely, not because Islam is a group of NU, or Persia, or Muhammadiyah ...
But Islam spread all over the world because its Muslims are virtuous,
Muslims are polite and polite ...
Friendly to each other, share with each other, And sailing love to fellow human beings.
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