💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂
Jangan pernah mau patuh sama pemerintah yang gak mau mendengar keluhan rakyatnya....
Wahai rakyat Indonesia,wahai kaum muslimin....
Disinilah letak ujian kita,alloh hendak menguji kita semua,mau patuh sama protokol kesehatan yang di buat pemerintah,
Atau kalian patuh sama perintah alloh,inget pemerintah kita yang sekarang ITU gak becus ngurus urusan rakyat,
Dia hanya bisa ngurus urusannya pribadi Dan perusahaan yang dia miliki.
Jadi semakin kita patuh dengan namanya protocol kesehatan,maka semakin sengsaralah hidup kita...
Inget corona ITU hanya berita hoax,untuk menakut nakuti para pengecut Dan orang yang bodoh...
Karena tujuan sebenarnya Dari di sebarkannya berita corona adalah dengan di datangkannya vaksin covid.
Karena pikir saja sendiri,jika pemerintah memaksa kita rakyat untuk di vaksin,tapi gak ada berita tentang virus atau semacamnya,kira kira berhasil gak program vaksin tersebut?!!
Gak kan,oleh karena ITU dibuatlah skenario berita mengenai virus corona,dengan gejala penyakit bisa yang pernah kita derita..
Seperti demam,batuk,pilek,sakit tenggorokan,hadeuhh...
Mereka yang kepinteran,atawa memang kita nya yang terlalu bodoh....
Kalian bisa lihat sendiri,jika ada orang yang demam disertai batik,lalu pergi ke bidan atau ke rumah sakit,
Pasti didiagnosa korongna ....ettt corona cenah...
APA tujuan rumah sakit melakukan penipuan data?suapaya Dana Dari who bisa cair ke rumah sakit tersebut..
ITU kenapa orang yang meninggal karena stroke,di datanya dikatakan karena terkena corona.
Jadi buat kita rakyat kecil kalau batik atau demam,mendingan pake obat Warung aka,nanti juga sembuh..
Karena jika kalian ke rumah sakit,pasti kalian bakalan di katain kenapa corona hahaha...apes..sssss....
Rumah sakit yang untung,kita nya yang rugi,karena kita di isolasi,Dan ketika pulang,para tetangga gak mau dekat sama kita,
Karena takut iya beneran kenapa corona.
Padahal mah ITU semua akal akalan pihak rumah sakit buat cari untung Dari derita orang..
Ettt dah nulisnya jadi ngelantur kemana mendi,
Balik deui kana topik bahasan.jadi harus kita ketahui lebih baik kita patuhi perintah alloh,untuk sholat yang Lima waktu di asal waktu...
Dan kalau punya rejeki lebih,kita sodakohkan kepada anak yatim piatu Dan orang orang miskin yang ada di lingkungan kita sendiri.
In English :
💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂
Don't ever want to obey a government that doesn't want to hear the complaints of its people ...
O people of Indonesia, O Muslims ....
Herein lies our test, Allah wants to test all of us, willing to comply with the health protocol made by the government,
Or you obey Allah's orders, remember that our current government is incapable of taking care of people's affairs,
He can only take care of his personal affairs and the company that he owns.
So the more we adhere to the name health protocol, the more miserable our lives will be ...
Remember that corona is just hoax news, to frighten cowards and stupid people ...
Because the real purpose of spreading the corona news is to bring the covid vaccine.
Because you think for yourself, if the government forces us people to be vaccinated, but there is no news about viruses or the like, do you think the vaccine program will work or not? !!
No, because of THAT a news scenario was made about the corona virus, with symptoms of the disease that we have suffered ...
Such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, hadeuhh ...
Those who are smart, or we are the ones too stupid ...
You can see for yourself, if someone has a fever accompanied by batik, then they go to the midwife or to the hospital.
Must be diagnosed with korongna .... ettt corona cenah ...
WHAT is the purpose of the hospital doing data fraud? Suapaya Funds from who can be disbursed to the hospital ..
THAT'S why people who died from a stroke, in the data it is said to have contracted the corona.
So for us, the little people, if you have batik or have a fever, it's better to use the Warung aka medicine, you will get better later too ..
Because if you go to the hospital, surely you will be told why the corona hahaha ... unlucky..sssss ....
Hospitals that benefit, we are the ones who lose, because we are in isolation, and when we return home, our neighbors don't want to be near us,
Because of fear, yes why corona.
Even though that is all the tricks of the hospital to make a profit from the suffering of people ...
Ettt already wrote it so digress where mendi,
Reverse the topic of discussion. So we have to know that we better obey Allah's orders, to pray Five times at the origin of time ...
And if we have more fortune, we will offer to orphans and poor people in our own neighborhood.
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