Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Covid itu alat untuk melindungi kepentingan penguasa dan menekan ekonomi rakyat

🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

Ternyata corona atau covid 19 hanya alat untuk melindungi kepentingan para penguasa dan untuk menekan perekonomian rakyat kecil agar tidak bisa maju.

Wahai rakyat indonesia...

Kita sering melihat di media berita tv,yang menyatakan angka kasus covid19 setiap hari semakin melonjak...

Hampir setiap daerah kasus covid 19 naik.

Jika di suatu daerah angka kasus covid 19 melonjak,itu artinya daerah tersebut ekonominya sedang tumbuh.

Jadi sebenarnya,berita covid itu hanya untuk menekan perekonomian kita rakyat kecil,agar tidak bisa maju.

Dan juga sebagai alat untuk melindungi kepentingan para penguasa.

Pernahkah kalian berpikir dan bertanya,kenapa media tv tidak bosan bosannya memberitakan tentang covid?

Jawabannya adalah karena media tv nasional sudah di sogok dengan uang yang sangat besar oleh para elit globalis...

Itu kenapa media tv tidak pernah bosan bosannya memberitakan hal mengenai covid 19...

Mereka membut data palsu...yang menyatakan angka covid 19 setiap harinya meningakat...

Kenapa di bilang data palsu?

Kalian pernah mendengar sebuah berita di youtube gak,orang sakit kepala aja,terus masuk rumah sakit,
Lalu oleh pihak rumah sakit di masukin kategori terkena covid.

Lalu apa tujuan rumah sakit meng covid kan setiap orang yang berobat ke rumah sakit?

Karena jika di suatu rumah sakit banyak berita orang Terkena covid maka akan cair dana dari who...

Itulah sebabnya pihak rumah sakit selalu mengcovid kan orang yang berobat kerumah sakit.

Dana yang cair dari who lumayan besar,sekitaran 500 juta an...

Kan lumayan tuh pihak rumah sakit dapat duit banyak....

Jadii kalian jangan merasa aneh,jika kalian batuk pilek,sama sakit pinggang,

Jika berobat ke rumah sakit,pasti kalian akan di kategorikan penderita covid..

Jadi lebih baik jika sakit,sekarang mah mendingan minum obat warung aja,daripada mesti ke rumah sakit....

In english::::::

🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏

It turns out that corona or covid 19 is only a tool to protect the interests of the rulers and to suppress the economy of the small people so that they cannot progress.

O Indonesian people...

We often see on TV news media, which states that the number of Covid-19 cases is increasing every day...

Almost every area of ​​​​covid-19 cases rose.

If in an area the number of COVID-19 cases soars, it means that the economy is growing.

So actually, the news of covid is only to suppress our economy, the little people, so they can't progress.

And also as a tool to protect the interests of the rulers.

Have you ever thought and asked why TV media are not tired of reporting about covid?

The answer is because the national television media has been bribed with huge money by the globalist elite...

That's why the tv media never get tired of reporting things about covid 19...

They make fake data...which states the number of covid 19 is increasing every day...

Why do you say fake data?

Have you ever heard a news on youtube or not, people just have a headache, then go to the hospital,
Then the hospital was included in the category of affected by covid.

Then what is the purpose of the hospital to spread Covid for everyone who goes to the hospital?

Because if in a hospital there are lots of news about people affected by covid, the funds will be disbursed from who...

That's why the hospital always catches people who go to the hospital for treatment.

The disbursed funds from who are quite large, around 500 million...

It's not bad for the hospital to get a lot of money....

So you don't feel weird, if you have a cold, cough, backache,

If you go to the hospital, you will definitely be categorized as a Covid patient.

So it's better if you're sick, now it's better to just take over-the-counter medicine, rather than having to go to the hospital....

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