🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏___ assallaamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Kenapa kita harus cuekin postingan buzzer??
Wahai rakyat indonesia...
Jadi cara untuk melawan postingan buzzer adalah dengan kita cuekin postingannya,jangan kita kasih like ataupun komentar.
Karena begini,niat buzzer kan ingin membuat kita marah marah dan memancing esmosi kita,eeeettt daaaahh esmosi hahahahaha, emosi kita cenah..
Jadi itungannya dia punya niat negatif,dan ketika kita lawan buzzer dengan marah marah,itu itungannya niat kita positif,
Jadi ketika negatif ketemu sama positif maka ia akan menghasilkan Negatif.
Jadi yang menang di sini adalah buzzer..para buzzer seneng kegirangan,karena postingannya banyak yang like dan kasih komentar...
Dan buzzer pun pasti bakalan dapat bonus cuan dari si cukong...
Tapi jika kita cuekin itu postingan buzzer,kita gak kasih komentar,itungan nya begini,postingan buzzer negatif kita cuekin sama seperti negatif...
Dan apabila negatif ketemu negatif maka akan menjadi positif,dan kita yang seneng,dan buzzer lah yang pasti uring uringan,marah marah sendiri.... Hahahaha
Kesel dia karena postingan dia gak laku,gak ada yang kasih komentar...
Dan jika tiap postingannya gak ada yang kasih komentar,nantinya buzzer ini juga bakalan kena marah sama si cukongnya hahaha...
Dia juga pastinya bakalan terus mencari cari postingan apa yang bisa bikin kita rakyat utamanya umat islam supaya marah marah...
Supaya apa?supaya kita umat islam bisa menghasilkan energi negatif...
Satu lagi,untuk melawan postingan negatif buzzer adalah kita terus postingin postingan yang positif...
In english:::
🙏___ assalamualaikum....__🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
Why should we ignore buzzer posts??
O Indonesian people...
So the way to fight buzzer posts is to ignore the posts, don't give likes or comments.
Because of this, the buzzer's intention is to make us angry and provoke our emotions, eeeettt daaaahh emotions hahahahaha, our emotions are light..
So the count is that he has a negative intention, and when we fight the buzzer with anger, that's the count of our intention is positive,
So when negative meets positive then it will produce negative.
So the winner here is the buzzer..the buzzers are happy with joy, because the posts get a lot of likes and comments...
And the buzzer will definitely get a cash bonus from the cukong...
But if we ignore it, it's a buzzer post, we don't give a comment, the calculation is like this, we ignore negative buzzer posts like negative...
And if negative meets negative it will become positive, and we are happy, and the buzzer is the one who is definitely grumpy, angry with himself.... Hahahaha
He's annoyed because his post doesn't sell, no one gives a comment...
And if no one comments on each post, later this buzzer will also get angry with the cukong hahaha...
He will also certainly continue to look for posts that can make us people, especially Muslims, angry...
So what? so that we Muslims can produce negative energy...
One more thing, to fight negative buzzer posts is that we keep posting positive posts...
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