Hidupmu adalah milikmu, pikiranmulah yang mengendalikan kemana arah tujuan hidupmu dan hatimulah yang memantapkan apa yang menjadi pilihanmu

Sebutkeun masalah maneh


'asyhadu 'allaa 'ilaaha 'illallah wa'asyhadu anna muhamadur rosuulallah, aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada tuhan yang wajib di sembah selain alloh dan nabi muhammad adalah utusan alloh, I testify that there is no god but alloh and the prophet muhamad is the messenger of alloh

Monday, March 29, 2021

Biang kesulitan kita umat manusia adalah adanya keluarga keturunan rockfeller dan rosthchild....!!!

💁💁💁💂___ assallaamualaikum....__💁💂💂💂


Wahai manusia...

Kita tahu hampir semua ekonomi rakyat diseluruh dunia mengalami penurunan...

Ini di sebabkan oleh adanya konspirasi global. Lewat agendanya yang ingin menciptakan the new world order...

Tujuannya adalah dengan membangun dunia baru dengan jumlah populasi penduduk yang mereka kehendaki.

Dan kemudian sisanya harus di singkirkan,alias di bunuh.

Bagaimana cara mereka untuk mengurangi jumlah populasi penduduk dunia??

Yaitu dengan menyuntikan vaksin ke dalam tubuh manusia.

Bagaimana agar semua manusia mau untuk di suntik vaksin?

Tidak ada cara lain kecuali dengan cara menakut nakuti manusia dengan namanya virus...

Virus yang di namakan covid 19.karena jika manusia secara langsung di tawari vaksin,mereka pasti akan menolak karena tidak adanya alasan yang kuat.

Oleh karena itu,maka di buatlah berita hoax tentang virus corona,bahwa virus corona itu mematikan.

Dan sangat berbahaya.

Kemudian para elit global ini memperkuat berita hoax mengenai corona ini dengan membayar semua stasiun televisi nasional maupun swasta yang ada di setiap negara di dunia.

Istilahnya di sogok,agar semua stasiun swasta yang ada di dunia menyiarkan terus menerus berita mengenai covid 19.

Berita orang yamg terkena corona,yang positif maupun yang telah sembuh.

Mereka media tv tidak bosan bosannya menyiarkan berita tentang corona ini,karena mereka telah di untungkan.

Hingga berita corona bermutasi pun media masih tetap abdet...hahhahay...

Buju busyyeeetttt eeetttt dahhhh edddaaaaannn....bayarannya pasti selangit tuh....

Dan pastinya mereka di sogok bukan dengan uang yang sedikit sampai mau memberitakan terus menerus corona.

Dan setelah berita mengenai corona itu menyebar,maka masyarakat pun kan mulai panik dan takut serta gelisah.

Kemudian elit global pun mulai datang sebagai sosok pahlawan tetereteteeeeett.......

Dengan membawa obat penawar dan anti body agar tubuh kuat terhadap serangan virus.

Yakni dengan di suntik vaksin.

Dan mereka pun mendatangi tiap kepala negara di seluruh negara di dunia agar kepala negara tersebut menyuruh rakyatnya agar mau di suntik vaksin.

Apik bukan permainan mereka,sistematis.

Yang namanya presiden atau kepala negara yang ada di setiap negara di dunia pasti akan patuh terhadap aturan para elit global.

Karena elit global punya perantara orang suruhan di setiap negara di dunia.

Lalu kemudian presiden pun mulai menyuruh masyarakat agar mau untuk di suntik vaksin.

Kerja sama yang apik dan sistematis bukan?

Dari pemerintah vaksin ini gratis untuk rakyat.kemudian turun ke masyarakat,dan di masyarakat ternyata vaksin ini jadi berbayar..

Ettt daah mau di bunuh aja make kudu bayar pula...hahahaha eddaaaannn henteu orang indonesia mah sesama rakyat teh silih sikut..silih babetkeun...!

Vaksin yang tadinya gratis dari pemerintahnya buat membunuh kita rakyat secara berjamaah...

Di bisnisin pula oleh oknum tangan kedua.


Terkadang jalan menuju neraka itu sulit di tempuh dan mahal harganya...

Tapi manusia ada aja yang mau..

Oke balik lagi ke topik nih jadi ngomongin panjang lebar mengenai si covid.

Dengan adanya berita corona ini,jadi yang kena imbasnya siapa coba?

 Ya kita lah rakyat kecil,sudah hidup pas pasan,makin nambah dah sengsara hidup kita gara gara si covid ini...!

Orang mau keluar rumah mau usaha cari duit,eettt dah pake di larang alasan virus...

Kami orang miskin mah gak takut virus,yang kami takuti adalah kami gak bisa makan kalau kami hanya diam mulu di rumah...!

Kalau orang banyak duit mah enak,tinggal duduk ,nonton tv,main fb....

Lah kitaaa??

Dengan alasan corona kita lebih baik diam di rumah...jaga jarak dan pakai masker...

Ada orang yamg sedang beraktivitas di luar rumah langsung di tangkap dan di kasih denda..

Ett daah niat keluar rumah mau cari duit ini malah di palakin sama preman berbaju polisi...

Dengan alasan melanggar protokol.

Gara gara corona ini,kita rakyat miskin semakin miskin dan mederita....!

Kita mau keluar rumah mau ikhtiar cari duit gak bisa,diem wae di rumah  perut ini ngerebek ngageroan....
Woy mana nasi mana nasi....gitu gera ettt daah....

Hayang dahar yeuh...buruan eusian beuteung...hahahahahahah

Oke sekarang rada serius dikit...

Tidak ada jalan lain wahai rakyat miskin dan jelata...

Karena mereka telah membuat kehidupan kita semakin menderita dan kita tidak tahu siapa sebenarnya musuh kita yang membuat hidup kita semakin menderita ini..

Sekarang saya kasih tahu musuh kita sebenarnya adalah para pemuja setan yaitu keluarga keturunan rockefeller dan rosthchild....!!

Musuh kita semua umat manusia....!!

Wahai rakyat miskin dan jelata ....!

Sampai kapan kalian diam?!!!

Mau sampai kapan kalian diam....?!!!

Jika kita tidak mau memperbaiki keadaan ini,selamanya hidup kita akan seperti ini...!

Sekarang saya telah mengetahui biang kesulitan hidup kita semua umat manusia yang ada di dunia....!

Mereka itu ibarat cucuk yamg menancap di kaki kita,nancap nya di kaki,tapi semua anghota tubuh merasakan sakitnya...

Begitu pula dengan keadaan ekonomi kita saat ini,yang jadi biangnya hanya segelintir orang....

Yang sengsaranya jutaaan umat manusia...!

Ayo para pendeta....!ayo para biksu....!

Ayo para ulama....!

Jangan lihat saya karena agama saya ini agama islam...

Tapi lihatlah saya sebagai seorang manusia yang sama seperti kalian...

Demi kemanusiaan...!

Kita itu sama sama merasakan dan punya perasaan....jadi lihatlah saya sebagai manusia...

Ayo kita sama sama hacurkan perusahaan perusahaan milik keluarga rockefeller dan rostchild....!!!

Tangkap keturunan rockefeller dan rostchild...jika sudah tertangkap,bunuh mereka semua!!!

Kenapa harus di bunuh?!!

Karena jika kita tidak membunuh mereka ,mereka lah nantinya yang akan membunuh kita semua umat manusia yang ada di dunia...!

Buat kalian yang tahu mana saja perusahaan perusahaan milik rockefeller dan rostchild ,hancurkan perusahaan milik mereka sehingga perusahaan mereka merugi..

Agar mereka keluarga rockfeller dan rostchild tidak bisa menyogok orang lagi untuk menggapai misinya....!!

Hancurkan....perusahaan milik keluarga rockfeller dan rostchild.....!!!


In english :

💁💁💁💂 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 💁💂💂💂


O people...

We know that almost all people's economies around the world have experienced a decline ...

This is caused by a global conspiracy. Through its agenda that wants to create the new world order ...

The goal is to build a new world with the population they want.

And then the rest must be removed, aka killed.

How do they reduce the world's population?

Namely by injecting the vaccine into the human body.

How to make all humans want to be injected with vaccines?

There is no other way except by scaring humans with the name virus ...

The virus is called covid 19 because if humans are directly offered a vaccine, they will definitely refuse because there is no good reason.

Therefore, hoax news is made about the corona virus, that the corona virus is deadly.

And very dangerous.

Then these global elites reinforced hoax news about this corona by paying for all national and private television stations in every country in the world.

The term is bribed, so that all private stations in the world broadcast continuously news about Covid 19.

News of people affected by corona, positive ones and those who have recovered.

They TV media are not bored with broadcasting news about this corona, because they have been fortunate.

Until the news of the corona has mutated the media is still abdet ... hahhahay ...

Buju busyyeeetttt eeetttt dahhhh edddaaaaannn ... the pay must be exorbitant ....

And of course they are not bribed with little money to want to report corona continuously.

And after the news about the corona spread, the people began to panic and fear and be anxious.

Then the global elite began to arrive as tetereteteeeeett heroes .......

By bringing antidotes and anti-bodies so that the body is strong against virus attacks.

Namely by injecting the vaccine.

And they also went to every head of state in all countries in the world so that the head of state ordered his people to want to be injected with vaccines.

Neat is not their game, systematic.

The president or head of state in every country in the world will surely obey the rules of the global elite.

Because the global elite have messengers in every country in the world.

Then the president began telling people to want to be injected with vaccines.

Neat and systematic cooperation, right?

From the government, this vaccine is free for the people. Then it goes down to the community, and in the community it turns out that this vaccine is paid ..

Ettt, I want to be killed, I have to pay too ... hahahaha eddaaaannn henteu Indonesian people, fellow tea people take elbows ... choose babetkeun ...!

Vaccines that were free from the government to kill us people in congregation ...

Also in business by second hand people.


Sometimes the road to hell is difficult and expensive ...

But there are humans who want ...

Okay, back to the topic, so talk at length about Covid.

With this corona news, who will be affected by it?

 Yes, we are small people, live just barely, our life is getting more miserable because of this Covid ...!

People want to leave the house trying to make money, but using it is prohibited for reasons of viruses ...

We poor people are not afraid of the virus, what we are afraid of is that we can't eat if we just stay at home ...!

If people have a lot of money, it's good, just sit down, watch TV, play Facebook ...

Oh, what are we ??

With the reason that our corona is better off staying at home ... keep our distance and wear masks ...

There are people who are doing their activities outside the house immediately arrested and given a fine ..

Ett, my intention to leave the house to earn money is actually being treated by thugs in police clothes ...

On the grounds of breaking protocol.

Because of this corona, we poor people are getting poorer and suffering ....!

We want to go out of the house, we can't make money, we can't stop at the house, this stomach raiding aggressors ...
Wow, where's the rice, where's the rice ...

Hayang dahar yeuh ... hunt Eusian Beuteung ... hahahahahahah

Okay now it's a little serious ...

There is no other way, O poor and common people ...

Because they have made our lives more miserable and we don't know who our enemies are who make our lives suffer more.

Now I tell you our enemy is actually the devil worshipers, namely the descendants of the rockefeller and rosthchild families .... !!

Our enemy is all humanity .... !!

O poor and common people ....!

Until when are you silent? !!!

How long do you want to be quiet ....? !!!

If we don't want to fix this situation, our life will be like this forever ...!

Now I know the source of the difficulties of our lives, all human beings who are in the world ....!

They are like tips stuck in our feet, stuck in our feet, but all members of the body feel the pain ...

Likewise with our current economic situation, which is the culprit for only a handful of people ...

Who suffer the misery of millions of mankind ...!

Come on priests ....! Come on monks ....!

Come on, scholars ....!

Don't look at me because my religion is Islam ...

But look at me as a human who is just like you ...

For humanity ...!

We both feel and have feelings ... so look at me as a human ...

Come on, let's destroy the companies owned by the Rockefeller and Roschild families .... !!!

Catch the descendants of rockefellers and rostchilds ... when caught, kill them all !!!

Why must it be killed? !!

Because if we don't kill them, they will later be the ones who will kill us all human beings in the world ...!

For those of you who know which companies owned by rockefeller and rostchild, destroy their companies so that their companies lose ..

So that they rockfeller and rostchild family can't bribe people anymore to achieve their mission .... !!

Destroy .... companies owned by the rockfeller and rostchild families ..... !!!

Break ...!

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