Ternyata maksud larangan mudik bagi kita rakyat adalah supaya perputaran uang tidak berputar sampai ke kampung kampung...
Awal mula melihat pemerintah melarang orang orang buat mudik,saya pun bertanya tanya,
Kenapa mudik ini di larang?
Padahal mudik ini sudah menjadi tradisi kita umat islam di indonesia.
Dan kenapa pemerintah menggunakan alasan mencegah penyebaran covid?
Kenapa hanya kita rakyat yang mudah terserang covid oleh pemerintah,sedang para pejabat dan tka china tidak mudah terserang covid....???
Ternyata alasan kita rakyat di larang mudik adalah supaya perputaran uang hanya berputar di kota jakarta saja!!
Mereka sengaja menahan para pemudik supaya tidak bisa pulang kampung,supaya perputaran uang tidak menyebar luas sampai ke kampung kampung...
Kita tahu jika para pemudik pulang kampung,maka para pemudik kan membawa uang banyak dari tempat kerjanya,
Lalu para pemudik tersebut tinggal di kampung beberapa hari atau minggu,
Dan membelanjakan uangnya di kampung halaman mereka,sehingga perputaran uang di kampung bertambah,
Semakin bertambah pemasukan kampung,dan bertambahnya perputaran uang di kampung,
Maka pendapatan warga kampung pun akan bertambah....
Oleh karena itu dengan segala cara dan upaya mereka pemerintah ini melarang orang orang buat mudik,
Supaya perputaran uang hanya berputar di kota saja dan tidak menyebar ke kampung..
Jadi jika kalian tidak bisa mudik,lebih baik kirimkan saja uang kalian buat orang orang tercinta kalian di kampung...
Lewat transferan bank....
Kita tunjukan kecintaan kita kepada kampung halaman kita masing masing,
Agar kampung halaman kita dan warga kampung halaman kita bisa sama sama ikut merasakan punya pendapatan yang lebih baik..
Dengan mengirimkan uang buat ibu kita tercinta,ataupun istri kita yang ada di kampung....
Tidak apa apa kita gak pulang,yang penting uangnya pulang,buat menyenangkan hati orang orang kita tersayang yang ada di kampung....!
In english ::::::
🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏 ___ assallaamualaikum ....__ 🇲🇨🇲🇨🙏
It turns out that the purpose of the ban on going home for us the people is so that the circulation of money does not go back to the villages ...
When I first saw the government prohibiting people from going home, I also asked questions,
Why is this homecoming prohibited?
Even though this homecoming has become a tradition for us Muslims in Indonesia.
And why is the government using an excuse to prevent the spread of covid?
Why are only us people who are susceptible to covid by the government, while officials and Chinese people are not susceptible to covid .... ???
It turns out that the reason we people are prohibited from going home is so that the circulation of money only revolves in the city of Jakarta !!
They deliberately detained the travelers so that they could not return to their hometowns, so that the circulation of money would not spread widely to the villages ...
We know that if the travelers return to their hometown, the travelers will bring a lot of money from their work place.
Then the travelers stay in the village for a few days or weeks,
And spend the money in their hometown, so that the circulation of money in the village increases,
Increasing village income, and increasing circulation of money in the village,
Then the income of the villagers will increase ...
Therefore, with all their means and efforts, this government prohibits people from going home,
So that the circulation of money only revolves in the city and does not spread to villages ..
So if you can't go home, it's better to just send your money to your loved ones back in the village ...
Via bank transfer ....
We show our love for our respective hometowns,
So that our hometown and the residents of our hometown can share the same feeling of having a better income ..
By sending money to our beloved mother, or our wife in the village ...
It's okay if we don't go home, the most important thing is that the money goes home, to please our dear ones in the village ....!
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